Mickey D comedian

Mickey D – Pain is just an emotion

The audio interview of this transcript is available here. Steve Davis: Mickey D, welcome to the School of Hard Knock-Knocks’ podcast. Mickey D: Thanks very much for having me mate. Steve Davis: I’ve got to get one thing sorted. Mickey D: Yeah. Steve Davis: Mick Dwyer, Mickey D, what do you prefer? I don’t want to upset you. Mickey D: I don’t …

MICF Review – Phil Wang – Kinabalu

Few comedians could successfully weave the Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, and male feminism into a hilarious joke. But that’s no problem for ‘Old Wang’. The Malaysian born Brit, who also refers to himself in multiple first persons, aka White Wang, Horny Wang, and Young Wang, takes the audience on a audible slide-night of his life, from his kungfu father and archaeologist …

047: The Kagools – Building a comedic brand on slapstick

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The Kagools are an award winning, mute physical comedy duo from the UK. Off stage they are the talkative Claire Ford and Nicky Wilkinson. In this interview you’ll learn about the dangers of slapstick, rocking up on stranger’s doorsteps, how to build a brand in comedy through longevity, and the upside of being a double-act. You’ll also get advice on …