Some of the Australia’s funniest stand-up comedians coach the School of Hard Knock Knocks comedy courses around Australia. Actually, that’s not entirely true. We also have funny Brits (Jeff Green and Glynn Nicholas), Japanese (Mayumi Nobetsu) and did you know that Greg Fleet is actually an American?! These hilarious comics provide advice, give feedback, and share their comedic journeys. They …
072: Marc Ryan – Bogans and Raw Comedy
Adelaide comedian, Marc Ryan is a self diagnosed bogan. He’s also a state winner, and national finalist of Raw Comedy, and through his success has been able to go full time – although not without some serious thought. In this School of Hard Knock Knocks podcast, we discuss Raw, building a comedy career, supportive wives, and the Adelaide Fringe Festival. …
070: Kim Le – Complex cognitive comedy
Adelaide comedian Kim Le is one of those annoying high achievers. A qualified psychiatrist, Kim is also a blackbelt, speaks multiple languages, is an awarded keynote speaker, and now he’s excelling in stand-up comedy. He’s also a graduate of the School of Hard Knock Knocks and was the middle bracket at the most recent Adelaide graduation, alongside Glynn Nicholas …
067: Gerry Masi – Character comedy with Mad Dog Malcolm
A wig, flairs, and a fake moustache, and Mad Dog Malcolm Cummings was born. The creation of Adelaide comedian and musician, Gerry Masi, Mad Dog is part crooner, part playboy, with a light splattering of sleaze. Together, he’s a hilarious 1970s character, that is all too familiar. In this interview we talk call backs, one liners, getting away with ‘inappropriate’ …