A misconception is that you have to be born funny to be a stand-up comedian. Certainly you have a sense of humour, just like you need a sense of smell to be a chef, or sense of tone to be a musician, but you don’t have to be the centre of attention or the class clown to be a stand-up …
067: Gerry Masi – Character comedy with Mad Dog Malcolm
A wig, flairs, and a fake moustache, and Mad Dog Malcolm Cummings was born. The creation of Adelaide comedian and musician, Gerry Masi, Mad Dog is part crooner, part playboy, with a light splattering of sleaze. Together, he’s a hilarious 1970s character, that is all too familiar. In this interview we talk call backs, one liners, getting away with ‘inappropriate’ …
Comedy Community Funds New TV Show
One part comedy, one part drama, and one part documentary; The School of Hard Knock Knocks (SHKK) has just wrapped up the filming of their TV pilot, “Is This Thing On?“. The brainchild of SHKK co-founder, Morry Morgan, and funded by the SHKK alumni, this six-part, 30-minute TV show transforms ten budding stand-up comedians, over six days, with the help …
034: James Masters – The clash of cultures in comedy
Beware of cultural differences with your comedy.
030: Jack Levi (aka Elliot Goblet) – The rapid rise of a split personality comedian
The rapid rise of Australia’s most catatonic comedian.