Tick Off ‘Stand-up Comedy’ from your Bucket List

IF YOU’VE JUST WOKEN FROM A COMA, you won’t know that the term ‘bucket list’ means a list of things that one would like to do before dying – that is, before ‘kicking the bucket’, or going back into a coma. According to the Wall Street Journal, it was screenwriter, Justin Zackham, who coined the term when he was composing a checklist that …

The 3 Types of Stand-up Comedy Course Students

THERE’S THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE who enrol in a stand-up comedy course, at the School of Hard Knock Knocks here in Melbourne. Those that want to be a stand-up comedian, those that have a bucket list to tick off, and upcoming best man speech givers. It’s not difficult to fill up our stand-up comedy classes with budding comedians. Melbourne, after …