Comedian Gavin Sempel

Gavin Sempel – The hard road to Raw Comedy

The audio interview of this transcript is available here. Morry: Comedian Gavin Sempel is one of the hardest working new comics in Australia. At the age of 18, in March 2016, Gavin Sempel began his stand up comedy career by enrolling in the very first School of Hard Knock Knocks course. Two years later, almost to the day, he’s done …

The Raw Story with Ben Horowitz

Comedian Ben Horowitz knows Raw Comedy well – he entered three times. His first brush with the amateur competition was in 2002, and although he did pick up two footy club gigs immediately after, he got no further. “The gig was huge,” says Ben reminiscing of his first brush with fame. “There were over 500 people in the audience, and …

052: Joe White – Developing an audience and giving back

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Joe White is the nice guy of stand-up comedy. Ethiopian born, Perth raised, Joe has quickly developed a loyal following, both in Australia and around the world, due to his great habits of giving before receiving, and customising his comedy sets to his specific audience. In this School of Hard Knock Knocks podcast episode, you’ll hear how Joe got started …

“The Best Of” at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival

A total of 39 graduates of the School of Hard Knock Knocks will be performing at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) this year. Each of the 12 shows, starting on April 5 and concluding on April 15, are an hour long, and include a different mix of four graduates each night, plus MC Ben Horowitz. Ben is the co-founder …

040: Ben Horowitz – Looking back on 2017

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What a year we’ve had at the School of Hard Knock Knocks. In this episode, Ben Horowitz and Morry Morgan talk about the year that was, the celebrity guest comedians who taught our stand-up comedy courses across Australia,  the personalities that emerged from our comedy graduates, as well as the upcoming opportunity for our “Best” graduates to perform at the …

How to Remember your Stand-up Comedy Set

YOU KNOW EACH JOKE BY HEART. You’ve practiced a hundred times. But still, there you are, staring at the sea of faces from the stage, with a metaphorical tumbleweed rolling through your head. Crap! You’ve got an acute case of stage fright. Stand-up comedian and School of Hard Knock Knocks co-founder, Ben Horowitz, knows the feeling. As an ex-boxer that’s been smacked …