Charisa Bossinakis - Paquito

MICF Review – Charisa Bossinakis – Paquito

Comedian Charisa Bossinakis is young, attractive and intelligent – and uses these traits to work the room and build rapport. Her latest hour show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) 2019, ‘Paquito’, is a nonlinear narrative about a trip to Cuba with her loveable, albeit naïve, girlfriend.

Peppered with just the right amount of sass and self-deprecation, the audience is thoroughly engaged from start to finish.

While Charisa is only 22 years of age, she exudes confidence that even a seasoned performer twice her age would envy. Her use of facial expressions, impersonations and playful audience interactions make her an absolute must-see at this year’s MICF.

No matter your age, it is always satisfying to take the piss out of Gen Y, so make sure you see Charisa, either at this festival or the next, to do just that! I guarantee you will have even more fun than you would tabletop dancing with a Cuban guy named Paquito.

Review by Diana Lidia Petrolo

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