Matt Okine Comedian

Matt Okine – Life after RAW

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Morry Morgan: G’day Matt, how are you?

Matt Okine: I’m great, mate. How are you?

Morry Morgan: Very good. Excellent. Actually, I’m in Melbourne. Where are you today?

Matt Okine: Lying on my bed in Sydney. The Ashes is playing downstairs. It’s been rained out at the moment. So it’s kind of a little bit boring. We’ve done this at a good time. If it was mid-session, I don’t know if I’d have been able to take the call.

Morry Morgan: That’s right. Thank you very much for your time. We’ll hope that the rain keeps going. Well, talking about cricket, we were just hearing about Australia Day from you, one of your earlier gags talking about the importance of Australia day, but how we might be seeing it from the wrong perspective.

Morry Morgan: Your comedy tends to be a little bit confronting, you know, in a positive way. You do talk about society, you talk about inclusiveness, you highlight diversiveness. Has that always been your case?

Matt Okine: Yeah. You know, I find those sort of things sort of creep up to people in my comedy. I think that a lot of people expect me to be quite stupid and just silly. And you know, I mean that comes from my observational background in terms of, the sort of comedy that I’ve always done has always been pretty accessible. And you know, I keep it broad, so that it can be enjoyed by a lot of different people.

Matt Okine: So, you know, when you’re doing all of that stuff, I find it really important to just, you know, to kind of have a message creep up on the audience, and not try to shove it down their throat too much, but just offer little things to, you know, have a think about in between all of the, the silliness and, you know, observational stupidity that I kind of feel is my signature sort of stuff.

Morry Morgan: Yeah, right. You certainly have a way of breaking the habitual thinking that we all get trapped in. And anyway, I particularly liked that skit where you’re talking about Australia Day, hence why we just played it. Well, you’re talking about, you’ve always done it. Let’s go back, roughly, I think you were about 18. It was 2004 and it was the Triple J RAW Comedy. You did very well. You were a finalist that year.

Matt Okine: Yep, I was.

Morry Morgan: You had never done any standup. You’d never done any standup prior to that enormous task.

Matt Okine: Yeah. Well, I was a year into my acting degree at QUT in Brisbane and I, you know, had always wanted to do standup. I tried to enter the year before, when I was actually in high school, but the entries had closed. And so I finally got around to doing it the next year.

Matt Okine: I was 18 years old. I remember sort of, telling my friends one afternoon, as if it was kind of like a dirty secret of mine that I had, that I’d entered into this competition. And you know, I was really nervous and scared. And I was actually going to drop about a week beforehand, when I got the confirmation email. Because I’d kind of entered when I was drunk one night at home. And then all of a sudden… You know, and didn’t hear back from anyone. And then a few months later I get a confirmation email saying, “Hey, your gig’s next week.”

Matt Okine: And I was like, “Jesus, I can’t believe I did that.” So I really thought about, I really, honestly, I remember lying in my bed thinking, “I’m just going to call them up and just say I can’t do it because, you know, it’s just too terrifying.”

Matt Okine: But lo and behold, I told two of my friends, who I was hanging out with on the afternoon of the gig, and I said, “Look, I’m doing this gig. It’d be great if, you know, someone could give me a lift there, because I’m going to need to have a few drinks before I go on stage. And you know, it’d be good to have a little bit of support, but I don’t want everyone to turn up and kind of see me possibly bomb.” So I did that and, and then, yeah, lo and behold, I ended up making it through to the national final.

Matt Okine: I turned 19 the day before the final, actually. I remember flying down in celebrating my birthday by myself in the hotel, because I was down in Melbourne for the festival. And, yeah, I did my gig and I sucked. I sucked real bad. Yeah, it was awful. It was really shit.

Matt Okine: You know, by that stage I’d only ever done, you know, 18 year old’s humor about being black, basically. Or you know, having a depressed cat. Those are my two jokes. Being a big black, and joking about being in Australia on a world vision sponsorship, and then having a cat. Those are my two gags, my whole set.

Matt Okine: And realistically, I mean God awful when you look back on it. And you know, they just weren’t good enough to be up against people in that sort of category, who, you know, there are RAW finalists now who’ve been doing, doing comedy for three years, four years. So, while I’m proud of what I did. I was certainly in it above my head. That’s for sure.

Morry Morgan: Yes. Right. Well the, the RAW Comedy registration has actually just opened up I think possibly about a week ago. So yeah, it’s all starting again. I obviously you can’t go in for it again, but if you’ve done it, I think up to three times or two times before, you can register again. So you’re saying that there’s some people who’ve been on the open mic circuit for, say two years, and then they give it a crack?

Matt Okine: Oh hell yeah. Yeah, for sure. Sometimes it’s good, because it means that they’re really ready for it. You know, they know the scene, they know half the comics that they’re going to be on stage with.

Matt Okine: So yeah, look, I even tried to go again the next year. The thing is, I actually only came second in Queensland in my state final, and they selected me ahead of the guy who came first. So I had that chip on my shoulder that I really wanted to go back. And then I bombed in the national finals. So I had that chip on my shoulder that I really wanted to go back and do it properly. You know, being a year in and way more experienced. But I ended up actually coming second again in Queensland, to a gentleman called Josh Thomas who ended up-

Morry Morgan: yeah, having a TV show, doing well.

Matt Okine: Being pretty reasonably good. So, yeah.

Morry Morgan: That tends, I mean, you’ve done… Look let’s, you know, you can be humble, but you’ve done pretty well as well. I think if you do well at the RAW Comedy, you generally get a TV show, of some caliber.

Matt Okine: Ah, yeah. Look, it took me a lot longer than it took josh, that’s for sure. But that’s one of the sort of things that you always got to battle with when you’re in this industry. Because there’s no kind of standard time at which you can expect to succeed.

Matt Okine: So, you know, it’s weird because you might see a 19 year old, you know, just scream straight past you and absolutely kill it, and then you spend 10 years not making anywhere near as many advancements. And you kind of think, “Am I doing the right thing? Is is it worth it?” You know, it’s, it’s a funny industry that we work in, because it’s kind of expected that you’re going to be hugely successful straight away. And a lot of people who enter it aren’t willing to, to do the hard yards, you know?

Matt Okine: Whereas if you’re a lawyer, you would never graduate from law school and assume that you should be a partner of the firm. You know, like immediately, you’d just never do that. But, but when you’re an actor or a comedian or something, you know, you can do comedy for two years and then sit around being like, “Why don’t I have my own TV show?” You know, “Why does that person get all these gigs?” And you know, really, really complain about it.

Matt Okine: So it’s kind of a battle that you’ve always got to, you know, run your own race and realize that people are going to be past you at different speeds, or you might be going past others. And yeah, I mean it still doesn’t make it easier. You know, like I had dinner with Ronny Chieng the other day, and he was talking about, you know, his TV show.

Matt Okine: And you know, he has a TV show this year, I had a TV show out this year. And he was kind of talking about how well his TV show is doing, and his show’s already been bought over, you know, in multiple countries overseas, you know. Whereas we’re still in the stage of doing negotiations for ours. And you think, “Oh God, was he able to sell his, because he’s better, you know, is he better than me?” All this sort of stuff.

Matt Okine: And you suddenly forget that you’ve made something that you’re super happy with and you know, hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed and really liked. And you know, you’re worried about when you’re going to sign a deal with the Slovakian TV station, and you know, all that sort of stuff. So it’s really easy to get ahead of yourself in this game. And so that loss to Josh in that RAW final, it was just the beginning of constantly battling with not comparing myself too much with other people.

Morry Morgan: You were just talking about The Other Guy, which was the TV show that you wrote and you starred in, and is loosely based on your life, because the character is a radio host. You’ve just, you’ve just finished season one, I believe.

Matt Okine: Yeah. Yeah, season one came out in August and you know, I am super proud of it. It’s just something that words can’t describe how much time and effort and thought you put into a show. People don’t realize how much effort it is. You know, it seems so silly to just… You know, you think, “Oh, you’re just going to write some stuff down on paper and then go and film it somewhere.” But it just, it consumes you for a whole year.

Matt Okine: And, you know, you’ll be having dinner with your girlfriend, and you just can’t enjoy your night because all you’re doing is thinking about how you can possibly get the real estate agent in episode three to come back to the house, without it seeming, you know, as a pure plot device so that your character can, you know, return the lease on time. And stuff like that, you know.

Matt Okine: And your girlfriend’s just trying to enjoy dinner on a Saturday, and you’re, and you’re just in your head the whole time. And that goes on for a year, you know? And so, it was a long process, but it’s something that… I would only compare it to… And I look and I’m never going to give birth. And I… well I don’t foresee myself doing so. So I can’t honestly compare it, but I always do like to compare the whole thing to childbirth, because I imagine it was really painful while it was going on. And now that I have it, that little baby in my hands, I’m like, “It was worth every moment.” And suddenly I’m like, “Let’s have another one.” You know, “Let’s do this all again.”

Morry Morgan: That’s right. Oh that’s good. And Slovenian, that’s the goal is it?,

Matt Okine: I won’t stop until aliens are watching this thing, I swear to God.

Morry Morgan: Let’s jump back a little bit, back to RAW, back to RAW Comedy, because that again, that is a hot topic at the moment. I know a lot of people in the School of Hard Knock Knocks podcast also has a school, hence the name, that teaches standup comedy. So we get a lot of comedians, open micers, some people who’ve been on the circuit for two years, who do our course to get a leg up, to turbo boost, or to polish some of their material for a RAW Comedy, for example.

Morry Morgan: So, what advice, and it was a few years ago, but what advice would you give to people starting out writing? Obviously black jokes and and and grumpy cats are limited. What other advice would you give to guys who are possibly doing standup, again, for the first time like you did.

Matt Okine: Yeah. I would always suggest just doing the things that you think are funny. That’s first and foremost. And you know, don’t give up on a joke just because it doesn’t work once. Give it a while. There’s some jokes that took me years to make good. You might’ve just been on an off night when you said it, or whatever. Just just keep giving it a go. And if you think there’s something there, then really, really give it the time and the love that it deserves.

Matt Okine: The second thing I would say is never stop at the first punchline. Keep looking at it. I would almost say once you’ve got your first punchline, that’s fine. You know, it might fit in a series of jokes, but keep figuring out where you can go with a joke. So really keep studying it and think about the layers underneath it, that you can make it better. You’ll always be able to find a better punchline, or look at something from a different angle, you know?

Matt Okine: So don’t always go for the obvious route. And, even when you’re happy with the punchline, just keep thinking about it and ask yourself, “Can I look at this from another angle?”

Morry Morgan: Is there a technique that you use to look at things? I mean it’s easy to say, “Look at it from another angle,” but how do you do it when it’s just, that’s just the way that you look at the world?

Matt Okine: Look, I couldn’t tell you, you know, I couldn’t tell you. I just couldn’t really explain it, you know. The way that I think about it is, you know, the way that I imagine it, it’s like just on the spot thinking about something like, “Okay, you want to make a joke about a tennis ball. That’s cool. Look at what else is round. Look at what else is green. You know? Is that a tennis ball or is it that a hairy Granny Smith?” You know, like figure out.

Matt Okine: Then you know, if, if an apple landed on, on Newton’s head to give him the idea of gravity, what ideas would he have come up with if a tennis ball landed on his head as well? You know, maybe maybe you should stop sitting in the middle of the court at Wimbledon or something, I don’t know. I’m just trying to, you know, just try and go with your imagination sometimes, and see if there’s anything there.

Morry Morgan: Yep, yep. I’m already thinking Newton was a ball boy, at Wimbledon.

Matt Okine: Yeah, exactly, or something. Do you know what I mean? I mean, look that what we’ve just done there is, is write a really, you know… Look, it’d be easy to just say that’s a really tacky sort of joke or whatever, but you know, if you then kept going and gave it time and really looked at it, and you can create something that is not just a joke about, I don’t know a racket and two balls, you know, as looking like a penis or something, you know, like just think about it a little bit more.

Matt Okine: And also, yeah, sometimes if you think you’ve got an obvious punchline, maybe remove any explanation between the setup and the punchline. Because sometimes people telegraph too much, because they’re scared the audience won’t get it. Give it a chance to remove the most obvious explanatory set up sentences in your set up, and see whether the audience can pick up those things on themselves.

Matt Okine: Because you know, ones you say the punchline and you give it a beat, and the audience laughs, those are sort of my favorite kind of, they’re my kind of favorite jokes. The other thing is don’t neglect your technique. All right. Move the goddamn microphone stand out of the way, so that people can look at you. It is-

Morry Morgan: Yeah. Right, right. Yeah.

Matt Okine: It chills me, when people just leave the mic stand in front of them. And also make sure you’re always giving the whole audience a lot of love. Constantly look around and make sure that you, you know, are clocking all the areas of the audience, so that no one feels left out.

Morry Morgan: Yeah. Good advice. Someone like Jack Levi, Elliot Goblet, you know, he stands still. He looks at the audience, the microphone remains in the stand. You’re a wanderer. You go up and down the stage. Is there a preference? Do you think one’s better than the other for anyone who’s about to give it a go?

Matt Okine: You know what? I switch it up sometimes, because, you know, every now and then I’ll have a bad gig or two. And sometimes you go through a slump where you have a few gigs in a row that aren’t great. I find it’s, you know, if I’ve gone into a slump, walking around on stage, then sometimes I’ll be like, “All right, I’m going to switch it up, and I’m just going to leave the mic in the stand tonight and I’m going to try and feel new in my body again.” You know, because it’s easy to get caught in your delivery.

Matt Okine: Your delivery is as much in your body as it is in your voice, if you move around on stage like me. And it’s really easy to look in exactly the same spot, every single time you’re performing a joke, and have exactly the same hand movements, and stuff like that. And those are the sorts of things that all contribute to you losing the spark in a joke that the audience doesn’t really realize they’re picking up on, but kind of makes it less funny.

Matt Okine: I always find that if I feel myself going into autopilot, to try and surprise myself, you know. Do something a little bit out of the ordinary with my left arm. Like literally, even if I’m on stage and I don’t feel right, just shaking my left arm will bring me back out of the autopilot zone that I might’ve found myself in. And it might look stupid on stage, and that sort of adds to what I’m doing anyway because it just makes me feel like I’m at least in the moment, and that that it’s not as rehearsed as it really actually is.

Morry Morgan: Yeah, you are a comic, you’re there to make us laugh. So, no one would question any oddities in what you do. You know, unless you’ve pulled your trousers down and did a dump on stage. And some-

Matt Okine: That would… Look, if I do that, you know, maybe that’ll be next year’s standup show.

Morry Morgan: Yeah. Well, I, I’m trying to grab the… There’s a jump, from you doing very well at RAW, and then not very well as you described. And then having your own breakfast show. There’s about roughly a nine to 10 year gap there that I’d like to know a little bit about. I’m assuming you went out on the circuit, you started doing a lot of comedy, a lot of standup. You went to Edinburgh? Was that prior to Triple J?

Matt Okine: Yes. So the real job for me was doing my own solo show. And I wouldn’t recommend anyone doing their own solo show before they’re ready. A lot of people I see doing solo shows and I think, “You’re just not ready.” I don’t regret those. It was probably eight years I took before I started doing my own solo shows, or before I won newcomer.

Matt Okine: I don’t regret that eight years, because I learned a lot about, you know, doing hard gigs in pubs around Sydney, and all that. But what, what what the festival circuit does for you, and doing the festival shows year in year out does for you, is forces you to write new material. And that is essentially what… I got stuck. That’s the trap I got stuck in for the eight years that I wasn’t making those advancements. That was resting on my laurels, resting on the same, you know, 30 minutes that I had, where I can headline all around Australia, make my 200 bucks a night and leave happy.

Matt Okine: And that’s, that’s fine. But you’re not going to build up an audience, because every time someone sees you, they’re seeing the same 30 minutes. And they’re never going to buy a ticket to your show because they’ve already seen it. So it really came down to, you know, writing, constantly writing.

Matt Okine: One thing, one of the biggest things that has always stuck with me as like a light bulb moment is, and you know, this is round about the time where I really needed to make the next step, take the next step. I was on tour with Sydney Comedy Festival doing like road shows with Tig Notaro. And Tig Notaro was kind of, she hadn’t fully broken through yet. She was still pretty big, but she wasn’t like the name that she is now.

Matt Okine: And we were talking about her just doing, you know, the clubs around LA and stuff, and I was kind of very cynical at that point. I’d been doing comedy in Sydney for about six years. I felt like, you know, no one was discovering me, or whatever the entitlement I felt I had. And that was a delusion that I thought I deserved.

Matt Okine: And I remember saying, “Aren’t you just annoyed? Like hasn’t everyone who’s you know, a deal maker, haven’t they all seen you? Don’t they all know who you are now? Like what makes you keep going back?” And she just said, “Well, I can always get better.” You know?

Matt Okine: And it was such a simple point, that I was sort of thinking that, “Hey, here I am, I’ve done enough, I’ve done enough. You should discover me.” And it made me realize how much more work I needed to do to become better. And that came through the idea, and that realization really pushed me to start writing more, and to make my shows better, and to become a bigger act. And to become an act that can then do theater shows, and sell out tours around Australia, and, you know, transverse into that international world.

Morry Morgan: Yeah, right. And what was the jump then from being just known as a standup comedian to getting picked as a host on Triple J?

Matt Okine: What was the transition as in on stage or?

Morry Morgan: Yeah. Well what does one do? Was there an ad in the local newspaper or online? Did you apply for it, or did someone pick you out and say, you know, “You’ve got the right sort of attitude, and you’re slightly left leaning, and you know, we want a bit more diversity”? I mean, how did you go from standup comedian? I mean, you know, there’s more standup comedians than there are radio show hosts. So how did you get it?

Matt Okine: Well, you know, you find that all those people that are making decisions are always keeping their ear to the ground. And they’ll find… You know, they’ll probably know who you are before you know who they are. Right? So they’re always looking for new talent. They always want to know who’s on the up. They just, they’ll wait till you’re ready before they’ve kind of approach.

Matt Okine: And often they do it around those comedy festivals, around you know, the Sydney Comedy Festival, Melbourne Comedy Festival. They are looking at who’s selling tickets, who’s getting good reviews, who’s winning awards. I mean, they’re always keen to know all those things. So, you know, what they’re most likely not doing is, going to the Oatley Hotel on a Wednesday night. Whereas, you know, your average punter will be going to the Oatley Hotel or you know, whatever club gig or pub gig is going around.

Matt Okine: But the people who are in those production positions, they do tend to focus on the festivals, and find out what’s going on. So, you know, I just got a call when I was over in… Oh, I was first a guest on the Veronica and Lewis show. They were filling in for the doctor over the summer, just in the afternoons. And I became a weekly guest.

Matt Okine: And, you know, you’ve got to utilize every single opportunity you get, you know, on any sort of media, because people are always looking for more talent, and you know, if you do well in one interview, they might go, “Man, we’ve got to get this guy back.” Which I guess is what happened to me.

Matt Okine: And after I did those four shows, they consistently looked… You know, and then I won some more awards and I went overseas and I went to Edinburgh, and I got nominated there and stuff. And, I started, you know, I did this TV show in Australia and you know, it all snowballs.

Matt Okine: But it always comes down to the fact that the work that you’re putting in, you might not get the results immediately, but you will get… But someone is always watching, you know, and someone will always take notice. And you can’t get dispirited when you make something and people aren’t noticing. Because the next thing you do might be the thing that they go, “Hey, I’ve already seen you’ve done this, and now I like what you’re doing here.” And that’s finally the tipping point.

Matt Okine: So for instance, my favorite story about this is, I made a web series back in 2010 called The Future Machine. My friend and I, we, we got a director and another friend on board, called David Barker, and it was me, and Dave Barker, and Tom Sheldrick. We wrote it and directed it, and Dave directed it. And I got my friend Andy Ryan to be in it and my friend Caribe Heine to be in it. And I begged, borrowed and stealed all these sort of favors from everyone and anything we could.

Matt Okine: And you know, that was a lot of effort, and six months of work, and we made this web series. And we desperately wanted to make it a TV show and it just didn’t happen. And you know, I think 20,000 people watched, we got 20,000 views on the first ep. and then it just sort of dwindled down and we weren’t getting much coverage in magazines or whatever. And it was, you know, it was disheartening because you really felt you put so much effort in and you’re not getting a return that you want.

Matt Okine: But about six months later, Andrew Denton was making a TV show called Randling, and he was just doing some workshops to find, you know, just to see how the show would roll out on television. And I think it was Dan Ilic, who I had met through the comedy scene, who I’d passed on The Future Machine to, had also pass that on to Denton, or emailed one of Denton’s producers or something and showed them that. Just as a little sort of biased thought.

Matt Okine: And he had somehow stumbled upon that. And even if he’d only watched like maybe the first two minute episode or whatever, he had seen me in that and deemed me, someone who would be worth just getting in for just a little workshop, just on the side. Just to see how a show like his would work.

Matt Okine: And then I did the workshop, and then the next thing you know, they were actually making a TV show called Can Of Worms and they needed someone for the pilot. And so then they got me on board for the pilot. They weren’t going to show the pilot on air, they just wanted to see how the show would work in a full on studio and everything. And so I did the pilot, and after that they, they said, “You know what? You’ve proven yourself on all these sort of stages, we’ll actually get you on the TV show.”

Matt Okine: And I wasn’t really, you know, a name or anything. I was just a comedian in Sydney who had done a bit of club work, and they were like, “You know what, we’ll give you a chance on this TV show.” And so, it’s those little things. You know that when we released the web series, it was like, “Why hasn’t this blown up yet? You know? No one’s listening. No one’s doing anything.” And then a year later you get your first TV break, but it’s all because of that one thing you did, you know? So you can’t give up on what you’re… You can’t get too disheartened about the work you’re putting in now, because it is paying off. You just don’t get to see it yet.

Morry Morgan: It’s kind of like a butterfly effect. A little little wing flap over there and a 12 months or two years or four years later, boom, TV show.

Matt Okine: Exactly.

Morry Morgan: Ah, very good. Well this year, 2017, you were at the Melbourne international comedy festival and your show was called We Made You. I’m assuming that you’re going to do something in 2018, any ideas what the topic, what the theme is going to be or even the name?

Matt Okine: No, you know what? I’ve called it The Hat Game. I have no idea what it’s going to be about. No idea. I mean they ask you for your submissions in in like September of the year before. I was like sipping Aperol spritzers on a Portuguese rooftop when I needed to submit the name and description of my show.

Matt Okine: So we’d played this, this family game with some friends of ours, called the hat game the night before. So I was like, my girlfriend was like, “Just call it The Hat Game.” We’d had heaps of fun. So I wish I could say there’s some deep meaning behind it. But look, honestly, I’ll probably make up one by the time the show gets on stage. But no, there’s nothing man. Sometimes you’ve just got to wing these things.

Morry Morgan: So when we look in the guide in the, whatever it is, a hundred page guide for next year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival, we can pretty much just ignore the titles for every comedian in there.

Matt Okine: Like, honestly, I would say 80% of comedians have just made up something on the spot because they have no idea what they’re going to talk about.

Morry Morgan: And that does explain a lot of things I’ve always wondered about the puns on titles that people do.

Matt Okine: Yeah, of course. Of course. Look, I could have gone with Close Encounters Of The Okine, but I’m not going to, I’m not going to… You know, I’m not ready to do the puns just yet.

Morry Morgan: Not yet? Oh, excellent. And aside from, obviously that’s 2018 that’s April, or March and April. What about at the moment? We’re in November 2017, what’s directly in front of you now?

Matt Okine: Well, we just did our first sort of welcome back writing session for The Other Guy season two. So while, you know, it’s far from certain, we’re putting into place all of the motions to try and get a second season on board. You know, I desperately would love to do it. I think I can make an incredible show, now that I know how to do it. And you know, we’ve just got to… Fingers crossed all of the elements come together so that can happen.

Morry Morgan: Fantastic. Are you going to be doing any standup? Doing some surprise turn-ups at some of the comedy clubs around Australia in the meantime?

Matt Okine: Oh look, I did a surprise headline last night.

Morry Morgan: Yep.

Matt Okine: I’m really in the phase now where I need to get back out there and really work on material for next year. And on top of all of that I’m doing a replay of my show We Made You, in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney on the 7th, 8th and 9th of December. In some big venues, so come along.

Morry Morgan: Oh, excellent. As long as you didn’t go this year and see the same show.

Matt Okine: Yeah, it’ll be the same show.

Morry Morgan: It’ll be the same show, which is what you were talking about earlier as well. And if someone wants to get in contact with you, I believe it’s a

Matt Okine: Yeah, you can get all my contacts there. Get in touch with my agent or, yeah, you can see what I’m up to on my Instagram and Twitter.

Morry Morgan: Excellent.

Matt Okine: Which is all just @MattOkine

Morry Morgan: @MattOkine, yes. Excellent. Well, Matt, thank you very much for your time. Look, you’ve really opened my eyes up for RAW Comedy. I think there’s, I know a lot of people who are applying and they will get a lot out of this today. So thanks very much for sharing. Obviously you’ve done great things, even though you only came second. So there is life after RAW.

Matt Okine: There is plenty of life after RAW. Wil Anderson always likes telling a story when he used to host RAW, about how much, you know, the winner of his year, I can’t remember who it was, but he, you know, that winning is not everything, but so yeah, just you got to be in it to win it. That’s the main thing. That’s the mantra I always sort of try and keep.

Morry Morgan: Perfect, perfect. Well, Matt, I’ll let you get back to the cricket and talk to you soon.

Matt Okine: Thanks, bye.

Morry Morgan: Cheers mate, bye.

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