How scripted is stand-up comedy

How scripted is stand-up comedy?

In a nutshell, stand-up comedy is as scripted as a movie. Which is probably why so many stand-up comedians have migrated into TV and movie roles. Just take Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Australia’s own Eric Bana. All performed on stage before they moved to screen. And the similarity between stand-up and movies doesn’t end there. Academy Awards go to those …

Empty stage - Comedy

Is performing stand-up comedy your New Year’s Resolution?

We’ve all been there. It’s new years eve, and armed with one too many chardonays we announce to complete strangers that this year we’re going follow our dreams! *hick* And this year, our new year’s resolution is going to be…perform stand-up comedy! There’s one of two scenarios at this point. ONE Your friends start laughing at you (notice: not with …

The Nelson Twins - Comedians

Life on the Australian comedy circuit

The Aussie comedian’s journey is tough. Unlike the US, where large comedy-club-supporting cities are separated by a few hours drive, it can take a day, or longer to get to the next audience in Oz. Worst still, these towns (yes, normally towns), are not linked by air, but by long, boring single lane roads and zero visual inspiration. How to …

Melbourne International Comedy Festival - School of Hard Knock Knocks

How do you perform at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) in 2020?

The Melbourne International Comedy Festival, or MICF for short, was 33 years old this year. Only two other festivals are bigger – the Montreal ‘Just For Laughs’ festival at number one, and Edinburgh’s ‘Fringe Festival’ at number two. So in short, the MICF is a big deal. So how do you get to perform at the MICF? Is it invite …